How to Support a Loved One Living with Dementia

Living with Dementia

Dementia has become one of the leading illnesses globally. Statistically, every three seconds, someone develops dementia in the world.

These memory problems have caused many loved one’s to become caregivers for those affected. However, not everyone understands how to support these patients. 

Keep reading if you’d like to learn how to show your love and support for those living with dementia.


Dementia can be a frustrating illness for all of those involved. As a caregiver, it’s your job to offer positivity throughout this journey. Being positive can help your loved ones cope better as they feel uplifted. It is important to always stay calm, have an optimistic outlook, and know that body language and tone of voice significantly impact patients as they can sometimes mimic your reactions. 

Acknowledge Feelings

Memory loss causes a variety of emotions in the patient. They most often experience sadness, anger, and fear. It is very important to help them cope with these feelings instead of ignoring them. Disregarding their feelings can cause them confusion and guilt. Any and all reinforcement that their emotions are valid is significant to their overall well being.

Reassurance and Affection

As your loved one’s cope with dementia daily, they will become overwhelmed often. Offering reassurance and affection can help them regain a better outlook.

When they become defeated, show them affection with touch to let them know you care. At the same time, you can reassure them as you talk through the situation. Ask them how they are feeling. Let them know their well-being is important to you.

Fun Activities

Dementia care doesn’t have to be mundane each day. There are many thought-provoking games and exercises that can be fun and interesting. Puzzles, music therapy, card games, coloring books, and dice games are some activities that can involve and entertain those with Alzheimer’s or memory loss. 

If there is a hobby your loved one enjoys, implement that into their everyday routine. For example, many older adults enjoy gardening, knitting, cooking, and exercise. 


Dementia patients often become confused due to their loss of memory. They can forget people, locations, and responsibilities. You must always speak with clarity and if you are able, lists and notes are a great way to help keep them on track. 

Speaking through questions and directions slowly and methodically will also help them better understand and process what is being said.  

Take Care of Yourself 

Many caregivers get so wrapped up in senior care that they forget to care for themselves. They often get fatigued, causing them to become sick, depressed, or exhausted. The most common term for this is “caregiver burnout.”

Set aside time to recover from caregiving’s mental and physical stresses. Ask for help from family and friends if you become overwhelmed. Many people benefit from joining online support groups where they can get advice and share experiences. 

Supporting Those Living with Dementia

Supporting your loved ones who are living with dementia can be challenging. Offering these memory care tips will help with the hardships and setbacks associated with this illness. 

Contact us today to get any information about our extensive services. We will take the best care of your needs here at Dimensions Living! 

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